My new VO mentor

During my time here on this tiny celestial blue dot, I’ve somehow managed to befriend some of the most talented, gifted, successful people imaginable. Some are still here, while others, in the poetic words of Beau Weaver, “have taken their light into another room”. In the latter category, sadly, rests […]

Tom Knight answers a FAQ

This is Day Two of my 30-day Social Network Challenge, and today’s agenda is to answer a question – so here goes!

Tom Knight narrates Cisco promo video

Here’s a little video I narrated for The Cisco Evolved Services Platform, which orchestrates service provider networks to create, automate, and provision services in real time, across compute, storage and network functions across the entire architecture. (

Tom Knight narrates Atlanta Institute of Music and Media promo: “The List”

Here’s a quick promo video that I wrote and narrated (animated and edited as well) for the Atlanta-based music college Atlanta Institute of Music and Media. Entitled “The List”, my voiceover in this promo video teases viewers about getting their names on the proverbial and ever-elusive “list”, or roster of available talent from which clients usually hire talent–more specifically, how graduating from AIMM can practically guarantee the chiseling of their names onto this list!


Sun-tzu’s “The Art of War” narrated by Tom Knight

Sun-tzu’s “The Art of War” is commonly known to be the definitive work on military strategy and tactics. Ideas and concepts taken from it have been used not only on the battlefield, but in sports, politics, and business. It is my personal favorite. Enjoy! -Tom